Sounding, c 1981, 22 x 30 inches,
charcoal, acrylic, modeling paste/ Fabriano 140 lb. CP
for sale
No doubt at the top of my list of books to read, reread, and reread n x , is Melville’s Moby Dick.
As I endeavored to understand the engineering aspects of architecture, I gravitated more and more toward literature and painting and drawing. Moby Dick was a required novel in a literature course I engaged in during my junior year at Rensselaer. Perhaps the best book I’ve ever encountered. I have since reread the novel at least 5 times. Understandable that as I delved into abstraction and expressionism in the Reeds Wharf studio, something like this would surface. (Sorry but the word was there)
Some of these works from the archives are for sale. email me at to get the art listings