Saturday, December 15, 2018

A Holiday Greeting

                                                   Country Dreams, ed touchette, 
                                                        40 x 30, acrylic/ canvas

Imagine. Sitting in your kitchen or sun room, early morning, gazing at the skeletal maple in the yard and a flock of starlings, European by descent, descend onto the branches of the tree and each, having been coated in a non toxic, brilliant, non GMO pigment, affords the tree the appearance of a holiday greeting and your level of excitement escalates well beyond that usually experienced after your first taste of French roast, and  a bolt from the heavens strikes and the birds become secular, they ascend and fly to a neighborhood near a marsh where power lines offer seating for thousands and the open spaces are more conducive to the masses they prefer to form (some say for warmth others claim these groupings confuse predators) and fly in balls or great clouds of iridescent and/ or fluorescent color, swooping and banking, up and down, colors flashing as crowds gather along the roads leading to the marshes, awed by the spectacle of a giant screen saver painting the skies, arms linked quashing any thoughts of waving Bic lighters that would spoil the impromptu gathering, and even those Catholics enamored of Vatican II would not dare engage a chorus of Kumbaya and disturb this quiet and....Peace.